If you are lucky enough to be attending Strasbulles, the European Comic Festival taking place this week-end in Strasbourg, you might be even mooore lucky by wining a VIP meeting (and sketch session) with Kim Jung Gi in cooperation with the Caisse d’Epargne d’Alsace  ! By the way, I hereby want to thank the CEA for its continuous help in organizing the festival for so many years. Yeahyeahyeah, I know that it is quite usual to thank the sponsors, but really, I mean it ! Without such companies helping and financing this kind of event, it would just not happen, so thanks a lot Didier, Hager & Emilie 🙂

But now back to business ! To win, it is very complicated : go HERE and click on “Je participe”, fill in the blanks and click “Valider”. That’s it 🙂