
I am very pleased to announce that Kim Jung Gi will be back in Europe in june 2014 ! The planned dates for now are :

  • June 6/7th : KJG will be participating at the European Comic Festival of Strasbourg (great festival, I used to run it ^^). He will be signing his new comic book along with Jean-David Morvan (« Spy Games » which used to be called « Agents Provocateurs »), his sketchbooks and, of course, demonstrating his huge talent by drawing one his oversized creation. Many other wonderful artists will be attending the festival (names to come, but believe me, they rock !), so … don’t miss the date !
  • June 14/15th : KJG should be in the festival « Bulles en Seyne » (although i’m not sure they know it yet ^^). More info to come too.
  • They will be some other events organized. Probably something in Paris, in other cities too, that is a bit early to say, but i’ll create a special page « European Tour 2014 » so i can update it regularly.

See you there 🙂
