Want to drop us a line ? Ask some info which is not on the site ? Know the winning numbers of next week’s lottery ? This page is for you !
BUT I must tell you, by writing here, you will NOT get in touch with Kim Jung Gi himself, but with our European offices managing the distribution of his books and art. But do not hesitate to write anyhow, we welcome all interested audiences! If you have personal questions, we’ll pass them on directly (although KJG does not speak English, so it may take a little longer to get an answer as your message will have to go through translation both ways).

You can contact us on this email address : contact@kimjunggi.net
If you prefer, you can send us message on Facebook or visit his web site SuperAni.
We answer english and french !
You want to be aware of the latest news about Kim Jung Gi ? Visit his social networks !